
Readers and Comments

It’s interesting — since I moved to Squarespace, I know there are people reading this blog, because I can check the stats each day through SS itself. It’s not a lot of people, but it’s steady. What I don’t understand is the lack of comments. Either people are just skimming and moving on, or my […]

Life in General

A Comment on Lost Friendships

Have you ever had a friendship come to an end, and no matter what you do, you can’t find out why? I have, and it’s frustrating.

Life in General

A Few Quick Sunday Night Notes …

Random thoughts driving back from my mom’s in Knoxville …

Life in General

Living Life in the Cloud

I got an iPhone for Christmas, and the ubiquity of the internet access has begun changing my way of working. I am moving more and more stuff to the “cloud.” I find that the centralized data storage and the access-anywhere-from-anything benefit outweighs the worries about sensitive data. (To a point; more on that in a moment.)


A Single Blog?

I’m debating with myself about changing the format of the site, and moving to a single blog. Keep the writing pages (but make them easier to use, perhaps), but only have one blog and just use tags and such. More confusing for readers, perhaps, but a single place to scan each day.
Anyway, this is a test entry to see what I think about that.