Life in General

Acreage Available in Downtown Louisville!

One of my favorite blogs is Broken Sidewalk. It’s a calm-yet-provocative look at The Ville, development, and what’s happening around town. (Or NOT happening, as the case may be.)

The latest post reveals some amazing news: there is a large tract of undeveloped acreage right in downtown Louisville! What’s more, it’s only a few blocks from 21-C, Slugger Museum, and Glassworks! Make the jump to learn more …

Life in General

Why I Haven’t Written For Two Days

For the past two days, I’ve been in Knoxville, dealing with this:

Life in General

Live Like A Cat

(reflections on a cat on concrete outside a shop in Swansboro, NC)

I think there are many life lessons to be gained by observing cats.

Life in General

Random Observations for Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why do counter people think being cold or grumpy toward the customers is a good idea? Why doesn’t iTunes have a “play this playlist” command? Why do people scream about disrespecting the American flag, then leave it out in the rain and snow? Why can’t I start again at 18 with what I know now […]

Life in General

Iran Pictures … and some Green Avatars

Quick note — Amazing pics of Iran protests, both in Iran and around the world: If you want to reset your Twitter or Facebook avatar to support the Iranian protesters, go here:

Life in General

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised — But It Will Be Twittered

Sorry to all for not getting the longer C-J article up. (It’s coming, I promise, and I think it will be worth the wait.) I had planned on working on it this weekend, but my schedule got completely blown away by two things: yardwork (much soreness) and following the events in Iran via Twitter (much amazement, fascination, and concern).

Some of you may remember the CNN coverage of the first Gulf war and how we all tuned in, both amazed and shocked at watching the opening of a war in real time. That’s something of how I felt over the weekend: while the traditional media were almost completely blocked and only able to tell what the Iranian government allowed, I was reading tweets like these in real time:

Life in General

C-J Cuts Jobs, Gannett Execs Get Bonuses

(I’ve only got a few minutes before leaving for work, but I thought this needed to get up this morning. I’ll expand on it later tonight.)

Even while our local paper is hollowed out to a shell of its former self, and Gannett slashes jobs and freezes salaries across the country, Gannett execs are making the big bucks — including a one-million dollar salary for the CEO.

Life in General

What Are You Reading?

I realize it’s a cheap ploy for comments, but … What are you reading? Drop your answer in the comments, and I’ll put up a summary in a day or two.

Life in General

Tiananmen Square — 20 Years Later — Some Thoughts and Links

As I write this, it is already June 4 in China. All over China, people are remembering where they were on that fateful day 20 years ago when the fledgling democracy movement, a grassroots movement of peace and celebration, was brutally crushed in Tiannemen Square. Here are some stories, links, videos — and a few thoughts:

Life in General

4 to 6 Weeks — in Dog Years

This morning’s C-J reports that JCPS still hasn’t finished its investigation into Max Gilpin’s death — six months after law enforcement finished in November. According to Max’s parents, every time they ask to see the final report, they’re told it will be ready in another “four to six weeks.”

Apparently JCPS is using dog years, as their weeks continue to turn into months. If they hold out until August, it will be a full year.