A few notes before leaving to see my mom for a few days —
Author: Bruce
For most of my life, I have been seen as an extrovert, by myself and by others. A big “E” on the Myers-Briggs. A Sanguine on the personality types. Comfortable on stage, anxious to be in front, wanting to lead, with a strong need for attention and, I hoped, approval. Loud, boisterous, story-telling, carried away, life of the party, annoying, raucous, fun, never met a stranger — I answer to all of them, and have, pretty much all my life.
But that’s changing.
Do you ever wonder what country, and what century, certain corporations are living in?
I eat at Panera fairly frequently. (Less now that I’m trying to cut back on bread. Duh.) I like their food, I like the classical music in the background, I like the atmosphere, and I like the free wifi.
Last week, I discovered what I didn’t like.
Cheap, Cheesy Pre-Post Advertisement
This is not a real blog post — it’s a blog post announcing a coming blog post. In other words, an advertisement. (And I think I’m too honorable to use those cheesy Google ads everywhere. Hmm.) Anyway — I’m working on a post on some new geek tools I’ve discovered, including TweetDeck, a number of […]
Meta Question: Would You Like Icons?
As you may have noticed, I occasionally throw in the school icon if the blog post is about sports. So, if the story is about Tennessee, you get the UT logo in the upper left corner of the story. I’ve been thinking about doing this for ALL the blog posts. That way, you could scan […]
Why Are East End People Cheap?
A better title might be “Why Are Rich People Cheap,” but you get the point.
Here’s the deal: I patronize many of the coffee shops around The Ville. As I’ve done so, I’ve noticed the difference in tip jars around town. The differences are obvious: the tip jars in St. Matthews, Shelbyville Road, and Lyndon are all in Tip Sahara Dessert, while the ones in the Highlands are lush and flush.
Readers and Comments
It’s interesting — since I moved to Squarespace, I know there are people reading this blog, because I can check the stats each day through SS itself. It’s not a lot of people, but it’s steady. What I don’t understand is the lack of comments. Either people are just skimming and moving on, or my […]
A Comment on Lost Friendships
Have you ever had a friendship come to an end, and no matter what you do, you can’t find out why? I have, and it’s frustrating.
A Few Quick Sunday Night Notes …
Random thoughts driving back from my mom’s in Knoxville …
Living Life in the Cloud
I got an iPhone for Christmas, and the ubiquity of the internet access has begun changing my way of working. I am moving more and more stuff to the “cloud.” I find that the centralized data storage and the access-anywhere-from-anything benefit outweighs the worries about sensitive data. (To a point; more on that in a moment.)