Life in General

C-J Cuts Jobs, Gannett Execs Get Bonuses

(I’ve only got a few minutes before leaving for work, but I thought this needed to get up this morning. I’ll expand on it later tonight.)

Even while our local paper is hollowed out to a shell of its former self, and Gannett slashes jobs and freezes salaries across the country, Gannett execs are making the big bucks — including a one-million dollar salary for the CEO.

(I’ve only got a few minutes before leaving for work, but I thought this needed to get up this morning. I’ll expand on it later tonight.)

Even while our local paper is hollowed out to a shell of its former self, and Gannett slashes jobs and freezes salaries across the country, Gannett execs are making the big bucks — including a one-million dollar salary for the CEO.

The Huffington Post broke this yesterday, and you sure won’t read it in the C-J:

The Tucson Citizen may print its last edition soon, and all Gannett employees are being forced to take a one-week unpaid furlough sometime during this quarter, but that is not preventing the company from awarding its five top executives, including CEO Craig Dubow, nearly $2 million in bonuses.

The company spent several paragraphs in a proxy statement filed Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission explaining why the officials should receive the bonuses, and why Dubow should receive a $1 million annual salary.

Hey Gannett — tell me again how things are tough all over, and you just can’t afford enough reporters to really cover the state as you once did.

More to come this weekend — an entire story on Gannett’s ownership practices and affect on the C-J.